
Course Description

Learn how to write effective and accurate SQL with this course!

You will learn how to read and write complex SQL queries in a relational database (SQL Server). The skills you will learn are also largely applicable to any other major database system, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, and much more.

Knowing how to write SQL is one of the fastest ways to reach your career goals. This is because SQL is consistently the most in-demand skills in the tech sector. SQL can seem simple at first but it can quickly become complicated. It is common for people to a write SQL query without realizing they are getting an incorrect result returned. This course is designed with a focus on accuracy and understanding. You will learn how to avoid the common mistakes people make when writing SQL. Not only that.. but you will get a visual guide to the SQL language by seeing how queries work step-by-step. This is a complete course which covers all the core skills you need to master the SQL language.

I believe that the best way to learn SQL is by writing lots of SQL. For that reason, this course includes over 80 coding challenges where you get to write SQL queries and create database objects. These challenges are based on real-world scenarios and are designed for optimal understanding.

What You’ll Learn?
  • How to write accurate SQL queries against a database
  • Learn to perform GROUP BY Statements
  • Use SQL to perform data analysis
  • Learn how to join multiple tables - including complex joins
  • Learn how to use window functions, correlated subqueries, set operators, CTEs and much more
  • Replicate real-world situations and query reports
  • You will need to have a Windows-based computer to download and run Microsoft SQL Server.
  • This course is suitable for everyone who has a desire to learn and advance in their career. No prior SQL knowledge is needed.

Course Curriculum
